Bus from Kuala Lumpur to Cameron Highlands

Bus from Kuala Lumpur to Cameron Highlands

The first bus to Cameron Highlands departs from Kuala Lumpur's TBS at 8.30am and the last bus at 5pm. Bus ticket starts from RM32 if you're flexible in your departure timing otherwise you'll have to pay RM35 (see below for cheaper alternative, only RM22.40). The bus companies offering the Kuala Lumpur to Cameron Highlands bus services are CS Travel, Perak Transit, Unititi Express and Pahang Lin Siong. The bus travel time from Kuala Lumpur(TBS) to Cameron Highlands(Tanah Rata) is about 3.5 hours.

Bus to Cameron Highlands from Kuala Lumpur TBS

Pick-up Drop-off Bus Operator Departure Time Ticket Price
Kuala Lumpur
Terminal Bersepadu Selatan
Cameron Highlands
Tanah Rata Bus Station
Unititi Express 8.30am, 10.15am, 1.30pm, 3.45pm RM35
CS Travel 10am, 12pm, 2.45pm, 5pm RM35
Perak Transit 12.30pm RM32

Bus to Cameron Highlands from Jalan Pekeliling

If you're already in Kuala Lumpur city centre, instead of travelling all the way to TBS, it may be quicker to go take a Cameron Highlands bus from Pekeliling Bus Terminal near the Titiwangsa Monorail and LRT (Ampang Line) station. However, Pekeliling is open-air bus terminal and you may have to ask around to look for the right boarding berth. The fist Pahang Lin Siong bus departs at 9am and another at 1.30pm for Cameron Highlands from Pekeliling bus station.

Pick-up Drop-off Departure Time Ticket Price
Kuala Lumpur
Pekeliling Bus Terminal
Cameron Highlands
Tanah Rata Bus Station
9am, 1.30pm RM22.40

Online bus ticketing is available for buses departing from Kuala Lumpur to Cameron Highlands at BusOnlineTicket.com and Easybook.com

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